Tips to Create the Perfect Study Environment

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Whether you’re a student studying in a classroom or at home, your study environment can affect how much you learn. Creating the perfect study space can help you stay productive and focused throughout the semester.

Try these tips to create the best study space possible. Then, test it out by studying in different settings to see what works for you.

Proper lighting

Most students find that they do their best studying in a place that feels peaceful and quiet, shutting out distractions and allowing them to fully engage with their studies. This might be in the school library, a favorite study spot on campus, or a quiet corner of their home. The key is finding a space that is comfortable and big enough to fit all the books and materials you need. It should also be well organized and have plenty of storage for supplies, so you can easily fetch them when you need them.

Lighting is also important in creating the perfect study environment. It should be soft and not too bright, so you can focus without straining your eyes. If possible, try to use natural light in your study space; it’s healthier for you both physically and emotionally! However, you should test out different lighting to see what works best for you. Bright fluorescent lighting may be distracting and harsh on your eyes, whereas warm natural lighting could make you feel calm and relaxed and improve your learning abilities.

Finally, don’t forget to add personal touches to your study space to keep you motivated and focused. You can add photos, posters, a corkboard, notes, an agenda or bulletin board, and even music. Many students enjoy listening to classical music or white noise, which can help block out distractions and increase concentration.

Essential Oils

The study environment has a huge impact on the student’s “workflow,” or how they feel about their schoolwork. If they are in a room that is usually loud and busy, it can be difficult for them to focus on their schoolwork and be productive. Likewise, if they have an area that is comfortable and their own, they will be more likely to spend a lot of time there.

It is also important for students to shut out any distractions during their studying time. This could include turning off the TV, locking their phone away in another room, or using apps to block specific time-wasting websites while they are working.

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Essential oils are a great tool to help support a productive study environment. Several oils have been found to promote focus and concentration, including rosemary, lavender, and peppermint. A few drops of these oils can be diffused or dabbed on the wrists before a study session to help keep students on task.

Lastly, students should try to capture the things that motivate them in their study space. This could be in the form of posters, photos, or even Post-it notes. Having these motivations around will serve as a constant reminder of why they are studying and help them push through hard times. This can be especially useful for millennials, who have more flexibility in their study environments.

Tidy up

If a study environment is messy, it can distract a student. If a student can’t find their books or pens, it’s more difficult to stay focused on the task at hand. Additionally, a messy workspace can trigger feelings of stress and anxiety. These negative emotions can also affect memory and learning.

A tidy and organized study space is a great way to help students prepare for an exam. It is important to teach students to put away all materials and tools they are not using during a study session and to properly stack and organize them. This will help to eliminate distractions and prevent the temptation to stop studying to take care of a nagging chore.

It is also important to keep study spaces free of unnecessary items, like family photos or a poster with inspiring quotes. Adding decorations can be a distraction for many students, especially if they are not in the mood to study.

It is also important to encourage students to make an agreement with other members of the household or roommates about when they will be studying and what kind of noise or interruptions are allowed during that time. It may be helpful to post a “Study Only” sign in the study space so that others know when it is time to focus. It’s also a good idea to unplug or turn off any electronic devices, such as phones and TVs, to avoid a constant distraction from email or messaging notifications.

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Quiet Space

Whether your students study at home or in a classroom, the space they work in plays a huge role in how well they learn and retain information. If your students have a dedicated study area, they can focus their attention on the task at hand and avoid distractions.

Ideally, the perfect study environment should be quiet, so your students can put their full focus on the task at hand. This could mean a designated room that doesn’t get a lot of foot traffic, or it could be as simple as choosing a spot away from the TV or other distracting devices.

If your students have a home study area, it is important to encourage them to keep it clean and free of distractions. A messy, disorganized study space can lead to stress and a lack of concentration, so it’s a good idea to have them take 10 to 15 minutes before studying to tidy up their area. It can also help to have your student set an alarm on their phone or tablet to remind them to do this.

It is also a good idea to have an award center in their study space so they can see the progress they’re making and stay motivated. Especially for children, positive reinforcement can be very important for keeping them focused during their studies. This can be as simple as posting a “study” or “award” sticker each time they study in the space.

Keep it clean.

Many studies have shown that a messy study environment can negatively impact concentration and learning. Before students begin a study session, they should tidy their space and remove any unnecessary distractions, such as piles of books or papers, that may be in the way. They can also use a desk organizer to keep notebooks, dividers, and binders neatly organized in one place so they are easier to find. It is also a good idea to make tidiness a regular part of their studying process by scheduling time to tidy up before and after study sessions.

It is important for the study environment to feel like a “study” space, so consider putting up a sign that says “Study Here,” “Do Not Disturb,” or something similar. If possible, find a spot that is away from other areas of the home or school. If you are unable to find an area that offers complete silence, encourage extroverted students to get together in a group to help each other study.

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It is also important to eliminate any unnecessary distractions that could interrupt a study session, such as Facebook, text messages, or TV. If possible, unplug a nearby telephone or turn off the television. These simple tips can help create a productive study environment that will enhance learning and improve test scores. While there is no such thing as a perfect study environment, these steps can make it much easier for students to concentrate and absorb information.

Good music

Many students will swear that listening to their favorite playlist while studying improves their performance. Although it is not ideal for all subjects and learning styles, for the majority of students, music does help to keep them focused, calm, and motivated.

If you are one of the students who can use music to get into study mode, make sure that it is not distracting and does not overpower your study time. Try to avoid pop songs and anthems that may cause you to lose concentration, as well as those with lyrics that are too repetitive or catchy. It is best to listen to music that fades into the background and only becomes noticeable when it is time for a break.

One thing that is great about music is its ability to stick in the mind. You can recall almost any tune that you have ever heard, even if you don’t necessarily like it or know the words. This makes music a fantastic tool for memorizing facts and figures, as well as key terms and definitions.

So next time you start a study session, try putting on your favorite playlist. You will soon see that you can work faster and more effectively than before. This is because you are not distracted by the music, and your mind is more receptive to new information. Besides, if the music starts to annoy you, you can always turn it off.


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